
When we describe a person, we distinguish them from others by describing their visual features. Just like a police officer apprehending a suspect, he or she will ask the witness to describe the suspect. The different parts of those visual features are put together to form a unique person, but when we look at those visual features in isolation, they become reproducible everywhere. It is often said that each person is unique, but from a deconstructive point of view, there is no uniqueness in the features of each person. The opportunity to start this project was a question I had. Wouldn't the "person" formed by the simple superimposition of visual features without uniqueness be a very empty and meaningless existence?

This project explores identity and existence by focusing on recording some of my visual features. I have dark hair, I wear galsses, I have an Asian skin tone, I am a woman and I wear shoes that are produced on an assembly line that can be bought anywhere. But every "my characteristic" is not only present in me, even if it is the address I put in my profile, there is a good chance that it was or will be someone else's address as well. But every "my characteristic" is not only present in me, even if it is the address I put in my profile, there is a good chance that it was or will be someone else's address as well. After listing my characteristics, I looked for people who shared them with me and recorded their parts separately. After combining their characteristics, do I get the result of "me"?


